Message Methods |
The Message type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Clone |
Returns a "deep" copy of the Message.
| |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Exists |
Returns true if the field identified by fieldName exists in the Layout of the Message.
| |
GetChar(String) |
Returns the first character of the value of the field identified by
| |
GetChar(String, Int32) |
Returns the first character of the value of the field identified by
fieldName and index.
| |
GetData(String) |
Returns the string data of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetData(String, Int32) |
Returns the string data of the field identified by fieldName and index.
| |
GetDate(String) |
Returns the date value of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetDate(String, Int32) |
Returns the date value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
| |
GetDouble(String) |
Returns the double value of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetDouble(String, Int32) |
Returns the double value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
| |
GetField |
Returns the field identified by specified fieldName.
| |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetInteger(String) |
Returns the integer value of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetInteger(String, Int32) |
Returns the integer value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
| |
GetLabel |
Gets the value of the label indexed by key.
| |
GetNumber(String) |
Returns the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetNumber(String, Int32) |
Returns the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
| |
GetOccurs |
Returns the number of occurrences of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetString(String) |
Returns the string value of the field identified by fieldName.
| |
GetString(String, Int32) |
Returns the string value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
HasLabel |
Returns true if the label indexed by key exists.
| |
InitFields |
Sets the value of each field of the Message to its default value.
| |
InitFields(Message) |
Sets the value of each field of the Message to the value of its
corresponding field in source.
| |
IsNull(String) |
Returns true if the value of the field identified by Name is
| |
IsNull(Int32, Int32) |
Returns true if the substring that begins at the specified start
and extends to the character at index end-1 is null. A substring
is NULL if it's first character is the NO-DATA (0x1a).
| |
IsNull(String, Int32) |
Returns true if the value of the field identified by fieldName and index is NULL.
| |
RemoveLabel |
Removes the label indexed by key from the Message.
| |
RemoveLables |
Removes all the labels defined in the Message.
| |
Replace |
Replaces the characters in a substring of the message data with
characters in the specified string. The substring begins at the
specified start and extends to the character at index end-1. If needed,
the capacity of the data is extended so the entire substring can be
stored. If the string is null the substring is filled with
NO-DATA (0x1a). If the string is shorter than the substring, the
rest is filled with spaces.
| |
Serialize |
Returns a byte array with the serialization of the Message.
| |
Serialize(Boolean) |
Returns a byte array with the serialization of the Message with optional
type code.
| |
SetChar(String, Char) |
Changes the character value of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetChar(String, Int32, Char) |
Changes the character value of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
SetData(String, String) |
Changes the string data of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetData(String, Int32, String) |
Changes the string data of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
SetDate(String, NullableDateTime) |
Changes the date value of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetDate(String, Int32, NullableDateTime) |
Changes the date value of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
SetDouble(String, Double) |
Changes the double value of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetDouble(String, Int32, Double) |
Changes the double value of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
SetInteger(String, Int32) |
Changes the integer value of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetInteger(String, Int32, Int32) |
Changes the integer value of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
SetLabel |
Sets the value of the label indexed by key.
| |
SetNull(String) |
Changes the the value of the field identified by fieldName to NULL.
| |
SetNull(String, Int32) |
Changes the the value of the field identified by fieldName and index to NULL.
| |
SetNumber(String, NullableDecimal) |
Changes the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetNumber(String, Int32, NullableDecimal) |
Changes the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
SetString(String, String) |
Changes the string value of the field identified by fieldName to the supplied value.
| |
SetString(String, Int32, String) |
Changes the string value of the field identified by fieldName and index to the supplied
| |
Substring |
Returns a new string that is a substring of this Message. The substring
begins at the specified start and extends to the character at index
end-1. Thus the length of the substring is end-start. If the first
character of the substring is NO-DATA (0x1a) it returns
null. The trailing space characters of the the substring are
removed (right trimmed).
| |
ToMessage |
Returns a Message constructed using the supplied object value.
| |
ToString |
Returns a string representation of the Message.
(Overrides ObjectToString.) | |
ToTagString |
Returns a string with the TAG representation of the data stored in this
| |
ToXml |
Returns the XML string representation of the Message.
| |
Unserialize(Byte, Int32, Int32) |
Unserialized the supplied byte array into a new Message.
| |
Unserialize(Byte, Int32, Int32, Boolean) |
Unserialized the supplied byte array into a new Message with optional
type code.
| |
VerifyLayout |
Returns true if the name of the Layout of the Message equals to
supplied layoutName.