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LayoutMessage Class

Text message formatted according to a Layout specification.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OBCOM.NetSwitchLib.Layouts
Assembly:  OBCOM.NetSwitchLib (in OBCOM.NetSwitchLib.dll) Version: 1.48.7760.35650 (1.48.7760.35650)
public sealed class LayoutMessage

The LayoutMessage type exposes the following members.

Public methodLayoutMessage
Creates a new LayoutMessage instance.
Public methodLayoutMessage(String)
Creates a new LayoutMessage with the supplied text.
Public methodLayoutMessage(String, Layout)
Creates a new LayoutMessage with the supplied arguments.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultSignANSI
Gets or sets whether, by default, numeric fields are stored in Messages using the ANSI or the TANDEM format.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultStrict
Gets or sets whether, by default, message editing is strict.
Public propertyLayout
Gets or sets the Layout of this LayoutMessage.
Public propertySignANSI
Gets or sets whether numeric fields are stored in this LayoutMessage using the ANSI or the TANDEM format.
Public propertyStrict
Gets or sets wheter the LayoutMessage is strict.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text of this LayoutMessage
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExists
Returns true if the field identified by name exists in the Layout of this LayoutMessage.
Public methodGetChar(String)
Returns the first character of the value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetChar(String, Int32)
Returns the first character of the value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetDate(String)
Returns the date value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetDate(String, Int32)
Returns the date value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetDouble(String)
Returns the double value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetDouble(String, Int32)
Returns the double value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetField
Returns the field identified by specified name.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInteger(String)
Returns the integer value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetInteger(String, Int32)
Returns the integer value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetLong(String)
Returns the long value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetLong(String, Int32)
Returns the long value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetNumber(String)
Returns the decimal value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetNumber(String, Int32)
Returns the decimal value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetOccurs
Returns the number of occurrences of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetSequence(String)
Returns the unformatted character sequence of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetSequence(String, Int32)
Returns the unformatted character sequence of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetString(String)
Returns the string value of the field identified by name.
Public methodGetString(String, Int32)
Returns the string value of the field identified by name and index.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitFields
Sets the value of each field of this LayoutMessage to its default value.
Public methodInitFields(LayoutMessage)
Sets the value of each field of the LayoutMessage to the value of its corresponding field in source.
Public methodIsNull(String)
Returns true if the value of the field identified by name is NULL.
Public methodIsNull(Int32, Int32)
Returns true if the substring that begins at the specified start and extends to the character at index end-1 is null. A substring is NULL if it's first character is the NO-DATA (0x1a).
Public methodIsNull(String, Int32)
Returns true if the value of the field identified by name and index is NULL.
Public methodReplace
Replaces the characters in a substring of the message data with characters in the specified string. The substring begins at the specified start and extends to the character at index end-1. If needed, the capacity of the data is extended so the entire substring can be stored. If the string is null the substring is filled with NO-DATA (0x1a). If the string is shorter than the substring, the rest is filled with spaces.
Public methodSetChar(String, NullableChar)
Changes the character value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetChar(String, Int32, NullableChar)
Changes the character value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetDate(String, NullableDateTime)
Changes the date value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetDate(String, Int32, NullableDateTime)
Changes the date value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetDouble(String, NullableDouble)
Changes the double value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetDouble(String, Int32, NullableDouble)
Changes the double value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetInteger(String, NullableInt32)
Changes the integer value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetInteger(String, Int32, NullableInt32)
Changes the integer value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetLong(String, NullableInt64)
Changes the long value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetLong(String, Int32, NullableInt64)
Changes the long value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetNull(String)
Changes the the value of the field identified by name to NULL.
Public methodSetNull(String, Int32)
Changes the the value of the field identified by name and index to NULL.
Public methodSetNumber(String, NullableDecimal)
Changes the decimal value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetNumber(String, Int32, NullableDecimal)
Changes the decimal value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetSequence(String, String)
Changes the string value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetSequence(String, Int32, String)
Changes the string value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSetString(String, String)
Changes the string value of the field identified by name to the supplied value.
Public methodSetString(String, Int32, String)
Changes the string value of the field identified by name and index to the supplied value.
Public methodSubstring
Returns a new string that is a substring of this Message. The substring begins at the specified start and extends to the character at index end-1. Thus the length of the substring is end-start. If the first character of the substring is NO-DATA (0x1a) it returns null. The trailing space characters of the the substring are removed (right trimmed).
Public methodTextTrim
Returns the text of this LayoutMessage with trailing space characters removed.
Public methodToMessage
Returns a Message with the text and layout name of this message.
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this LayoutMessage.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodToXml
Returns the XML string representation of this LayoutMessage.
Public methodVerifyLayout
Returns true if the name of the Layout of this LayoutMessage equals to supplied layoutName.
See Also