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IServerContext Interface

Allows a ServerChannel to communicate with its container.

Namespace:  OBCOM.NetSwitchLib.Servers
Assembly:  OBCOM.NetSwitchLib (in OBCOM.NetSwitchLib.dll) Version: 1.48.7760.35650 (1.48.7760.35650)
public interface IServerContext

The IServerContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyProcessID
Gets the unique process identification of the server channel.
Public methodAddDelayedEvent
Adds a delayed event to this queue of delayed events.
Public methodAddPendingReply
Adds the supplied pending reply to a synchronized shared table that is accessible to all threads controlled by the server context of this channel.
Public methodDecodePassword
Decodes an encoded password using supplied arguments.
Public methodGetProperties
Returns a read-only dictionary with all the properties of this context.
Public methodGetProperty
Gets the value of a property indexed by the specified name.
Public methodRemoveDelayedEvent
Removes a delayed event from this queue of delayed events.
Public methodRemovePendingReply
Removes and returns the pending reply indexed by given key. The returned pending reply is removed from a synchronized shared table that is accessible to all threads controlled by this context.
Public methodRunAsyncTask
Executes the given task asynchronously in a separate thread.
Public methodSendMail
Sends a mail message using the specified SMTP mail session.
See Also