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IMailServices Interface

Services for sending e-mail messages.

Namespace:  OBCOM.NetSwitchLib.Servers
Assembly:  OBCOM.NetSwitchLib (in OBCOM.NetSwitchLib.dll) Version: 1.48.7760.35650 (1.48.7760.35650)
public interface IMailServices
Public methodSendMail(String, String)
Sends a mail message using the "default" SMTP mail session.
Public methodSendMail(String, String, String)
Sends a mail message using the specified SMTP mail session.

The following table describes the properties of a IMailServices:

mail.«name».connect.timeoutMaximum time to wait for a connection (milliseconds)intinfinite
mail.«name».hostHost name or address of the SMTP mail serverstringrequired
mail.«name».io.timeoutMaximum time to wait for an I/O operation (milliseconds)intinfinite
mail.«name».passwordUser password to use when connecting to mail serversstringrequired
mail.«name».portPort number of the SMTP mail serverint25
mail.«name».recipientRecipient mail address where messages are sentstringrequired
mail.«name».socketFactory.className of a class that extends
mail.«name».socketFactory.fallbackUse if specified socket factory creation failsbooltrue
mail.«name».socketFactory.portPort to connect to when using the specified socket factoryintdefault
mail.«name».starttls.enableIf true, enables the use of the STARTTLS commandboolfalse
mail.«name».use.authIf true, attempt to authenticate using the AUTH commandboolfalse
mail.«name».use.sslIf true, use SMTPS protocol (SMTP over SSL)boolfalse
mail.«name».userUser name to use when connecting to mail serversstringrequired
See Also