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ServerChannel Properties

The ServerChannel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArguments
Gets the command arguments supplied to the Main method of this channel.
Public propertyIdleTimeout
Gets or sets the idle timeout of this server channel (milliseconds).
Public propertyIsConnected
Gets a value that indicates whether this channel is connected.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyIsExecuting
Gets a value that indicates if this channel is executing.
Public propertyIsSecure
Gets a value that indicates whether this channel is secure
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyIsServerThread
Gets a value that indicates if running in the server thread.
Public propertyKeepAlive
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the KeepAlive option of this channel is active.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this channel.
Public propertyReaderBufferFreeSize
Gets or sets the free size of the reader buffer (bytes).
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyReaderBufferMaxSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of the reader buffer (bytes).
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyReaderBufferMinSize
Gets or sets the minimum size of the reader buffer (bytes).
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyReaderBufferWarnSize
Gets or sets the warning size of the reader buffer (bytes).
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertySwitchName
Gets the name of the NetSwitch to which this channel is connected.
Public propertySwitchReplyTimeout
Gets or sets the maximum time to wait for a NetSwitch reply (milliseconds).
Public propertySwitchURI
Gets the URI of the NetSwitch to which this channel is connected.
Public propertySwitchVersion
Gets the version of the NetSwitch to which this channel is connected.
Public propertyTag
Gets a value that indicates the connection tag of this channel.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyTcpNoDelay
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this channel is using the Nagle algorithm.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyTracing
Gets a value that indicates whether this channel is tracing inbound and outbound messages.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyTrustStorePass
Gets or sets the password of the PFX/PKCS12 trust store file used to establish secure (SSL/TLS) connections.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyTrustStorePath
Gets or sets the path of the PFX/PKCS12 trust store file used to establish secure (SSL/TLS) connections.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets the unique name of this channel.
Public propertyVersion
Gets a string with the implementation version of this channel.
See Also