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ServerChannel Methods

The ServerChannel type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRequestHandler
Registers a handler identified by the supplied name.
Public methodCancelTimer
Public methodClearStatistics
Clears the statistics of a specific service or all services.
Protected methodConnect
Connects this channel to serverURI.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public methodDecodePassword
Decodes an encoded password using supplied arguments.
Public methodDefineHistogram
Defines the execution histogram of a specific service or all services.
Public methodDisableMulticast
Disables the reception of multicast messages identified by name. If name has the special value "*", then this method disables the reception of all multicast messages that have been enabled using the EnableMulticast(String, MulticastHandler) method.
Public methodDispose
Dispose managed and unmanaged objects.
(Overrides ChannelBaseDispose.)
Public methodEnableMulticast
Enables the reception of multicast messages identified by name. Multicast messages are generated when particular event occurs (e.g., the price of a stock has reached a certain limit). When a multicast message arrives, the supplied handler is called.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecute(String)
Starts the execution of this ServerChannel.
Public methodExecute(String, IServerContext)
Starts the execution of this ServerChannel.
Public methodExecute(String, Properties, IServerContext)
Starts the execution of this ServerChannel.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetProperties
Returns all the properties of this channel.
Public methodGetProperty(String)
Gets the value of a property indexed by the specified name.
Public methodGetProperty(String, String)
Gets the value of a property indexed by the specified name.
Public methodGetStatistics
Returns a list with statistics of a specific service or all services.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleIdle
Called when a idle event occurs.
Protected methodHandleInbound
Handles an inbound message received by this channel.
(Overrides ChannelBaseHandleInbound(Message).)
Protected methodHandleInitialize
Called just after this channel connects to the NetSwitch server.
Protected methodHandleReinitialize
Called just after a console REINIT command is executed.
Protected methodHandleStop
Called when a stop message is received.
Protected methodHandleTimer
Called when a timer event occurs.
Public methodInform
Logs an information message.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Protected methodLogRequestError
Logs the error that was thrown while processing a request message.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveRequestHandler
Unregisters the request handler identified by supplied name.
Protected methodReplyCompleted
Called after an asynchronous reply message has been successfully processed by a ReplyHandler method.
Protected methodReplyError
Called after an exception is thrown while processing an asynchronous reply message.
Protected methodReplyReceived
Called after an asynchronous reply message has been received and before it is processed by a ReplyHandler method.
Protected methodRequestCompleted
Called after a request message has been successfully processed by a RequestHandler method.
Protected methodRequestError
Called after an exception is thrown while processing a request message.
Protected methodRequestReceived
Called after a request message has been received and before it is processed by a RequestHandler method.
Public methodRunAsyncTaskT
Executes the supplied task in a separate thread.
Public methodRunLater
Runs an action on the server's thread at some time in the future.
Public methodSendMail(String, String)
Sends a mail message using the "default" SMTP mail session.
Public methodSendMail(String, String, String)
Sends a mail message using the specified SMTP mail session.
Public methodSendMessage
Sends a request message to a destination.
Public methodSendMulticast
Sends an multicast message built using the supplied name and data. The message will be dispatched to all client and/or server applications that have enabled the reception of multicast messages with the specified name.
Public methodSendRequest(String, Object)
Sends a request message to a destination and then blocks forever waiting for the reply message.
Public methodSendRequest(String, Object, ReplyHandler)
Sends a request message to a destination and then calls handler when the asynchronous reply is received.
Public methodSendRequest(String, Object, Int32)
Sends a request message to a destination and then blocks waiting for the reply until timeout.
Public methodSendRequest(String, Object, ReplyHandler, Int32)
Sends a request message to a destination and then calls handler when the asynchronous reply is received.
Public methodSevere(String)
Logs an error message.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public methodSevere(Exception, String)
Logs an error message with associated ex.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public methodStartTimer
Schedules the execution of the HandleTimer method at regular intervals.
Public methodStop
Stops the execution of this server channel.
Public methodStop(String)
Stops the execution of this server channel with a reason.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWarning
Logs a warning message.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Protected methodWriteLog
Writes the supplied log message with specified level.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
Public methodWriteMessage
Writes the message to this channel.
(Inherited from ChannelBase.)
See Also