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LogicalChannels Methods

The LogicalChannels type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClear

Closes and releases all existing channel pools, and clears the properties of logical channels. This is useful when the property file has been modified, and new values need to be loaded.

When a channel pool is closed, all it's associatted logical channels are closed and released. If a executor is using one of these logical channels, it may terminate throwing an exception.

Public methodStatic memberExecuteT(ChannelExecutorT)
Allocates a logical channel from the default channel pool and executes the supplied channel executor. The logical channel is returned to the pool when the executor completes execution, either successfully or by throwing an exception.
Public methodStatic memberExecuteT(String, ChannelExecutorT)
Allocates a logical channel from the default channel pool and executes the supplied channel executor. The logical channel is returned to the pool when the executor completes execution, either successfully or by throwing an exception.
See Also