OBCOM DesktopFX v2.204

A set of libraries for building Plugins that are loaded and executed in the OBCOM DesktopFX application.

The following properties control the behaviour of DesktopFX.

Property Description Type Default
desktopfx.codebase Desktop code base URL URL none
desktopfx.connect.timeout Maximum time to establish a connection (milliseconds) Integer 0 (infinite)
desktopfx.credentials Auto-login encoded credentials String none
desktopfx.credentials.type Credentials format type Integer 0 (ECU)
desktopfx.help.url Desktop help contents URL URL none
desktopfx.http.soap.headers Add security headers to Web Service calls Boolean false
desktopfx.https.trustall Trust HTTPS certificates and hostnames Boolean false
desktopfx.kiosk Auto-login kiosk profile String none
desktopfx.logging.console.level Logging level for console events String OFF
desktopfx.logging.file.append Append text to the logging files Boolean true
desktopfx.logging.file.count Maximum number of logging files Integer 10
desktopfx.logging.file.level Logging level for file events String INFO
desktopfx.logging.file.limit Maximum size of logging files (bytes) Integer 512000
desktopfx.logging.root.level Logging level for root logger String INFO
desktopfx.logging.wservice.level Logging level for Web Service calls String OFF
desktopfx.mail.message.max.size Maximum size of a mail message (bytes) Integer 1048576
desktopfx.max.inactivity Maximum inactivity time (minutes) Integer 0 (disabled)
desktopfx.min.password.length Minimum password length (characters) Integer 6
desktopfx.min.password.strength Minimum password strength (upper+lower+digit+special) Integer 2
desktopfx.offline.enable Enable offline database functionality Boolean false
desktopfx.poll.period Time between two consecutive polls (seconds) Integer 30
desktopfx.request.timeout Maximum time to read a response (milliseconds) Integer 0 (infinite)
desktopfx.secure.webservice Enable secure desktop web service (use HTTPS) Boolean false
desktopfx.unique.base.port Base socket port used to generate unique IDs Integer 59000
desktopfx.unique.max.count Maximum number of unique IDs to generate Integer 50

The following properties control the behaviour of a NetSwitch Channel.

Property Description Type Default
netswitch.channel«c».client.name Client name of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) String required
netswitch.channel«c».client.pass Client password of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) String none
netswitch.channel«c».layout.uri Layout URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) URI required
netswitch.channel«c».name Name of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) String required
netswitch.channel«c».switch.uri NetSwitch URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) URI required
netswitch.channel«c».trace Trace messages of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) Boolean false

The following properties control the behaviour of a NetServer Channel.

Property Description Type Default
netserver.channel«c».auto.login Auto-login the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) Boolean true
netserver.channel«c».encrypt.all Encrypt the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) Boolean true
netserver.channel«c».layout.uri Layout URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) URI required
netserver.channel«c».name Name of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) String required
netserver.channel«c».server.uri NetServer URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) URI required
netserver.channel«c».trace Trace messages of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) Boolean false

The following tables describe the Broadcast Commands.

Property Description Parameters Results
desktopfx.logout Logs out the current login session none Name and profile of current user
desktopfx.logs Uploads the log files of the desktop none Contents of the log files
desktopfx.offline.clear Removes all the offline database files none Names of removed files
desktopfx.terminate Terminates the execution of the desktop none Name and profile of current user
desktopfx.who Identifies the current login user none Name and profile of current user
desktopfx.ws.level Changes the logging level of Web Service calls Name of log level Names of old and new level
desktopfx.ws.logs Uploads the Web Service log files none Contents of the log files
OBCOM DesktopFX Core Library.
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Library.
Compiler and Expression Library.
JavaFX Support Library.
OBCOM DesktopFX Layout Library.
NetServer Communication Library.
General Utility Library.