OBCOM DesktopFX v2.204
A set of libraries for building Plugins that are loaded and executed in
the OBCOM DesktopFX application.
The following properties control the behaviour of DesktopFX.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
desktopfx.codebase |
Desktop code base URL | URL |
none |
desktopfx.connect.timeout |
Maximum time to establish a connection (milliseconds) | Integer |
0 (infinite) |
desktopfx.credentials |
Auto-login encoded credentials | String |
none |
desktopfx.credentials.type |
Credentials format type | Integer |
0 (ECU) |
desktopfx.help.url |
Desktop help contents URL | URL |
none |
desktopfx.http.soap.headers |
Add security headers to Web Service calls | Boolean |
false |
desktopfx.https.trustall |
Trust HTTPS certificates and hostnames | Boolean |
false |
desktopfx.kiosk |
Auto-login kiosk profile | String |
none |
desktopfx.logging.console.level |
Logging level for console events | String |
desktopfx.logging.file.append |
Append text to the logging files | Boolean |
true |
desktopfx.logging.file.count |
Maximum number of logging files | Integer |
10 |
desktopfx.logging.file.level |
Logging level for file events | String |
desktopfx.logging.file.limit |
Maximum size of logging files (bytes) | Integer |
512000 |
desktopfx.logging.root.level |
Logging level for root logger | String |
desktopfx.logging.wservice.level |
Logging level for Web Service calls | String |
desktopfx.mail.message.max.size |
Maximum size of a mail message (bytes) | Integer |
1048576 |
desktopfx.max.inactivity |
Maximum inactivity time (minutes) | Integer |
0 (disabled) |
desktopfx.min.password.length |
Minimum password length (characters) | Integer |
6 |
desktopfx.min.password.strength |
Minimum password strength (upper+lower+digit+special) | Integer |
2 |
desktopfx.offline.enable |
Enable offline database functionality | Boolean |
false |
desktopfx.poll.period |
Time between two consecutive polls (seconds) | Integer |
30 |
desktopfx.request.timeout |
Maximum time to read a response (milliseconds) | Integer |
0 (infinite) |
desktopfx.secure.webservice |
Enable secure desktop web service (use HTTPS) | Boolean |
false |
desktopfx.unique.base.port |
Base socket port used to generate unique IDs | Integer |
59000 |
desktopfx.unique.max.count |
Maximum number of unique IDs to generate | Integer |
50 |
The following properties control the behaviour of a NetSwitch Channel.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
netswitch.channel«c».client.name |
Client name of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | String |
required |
netswitch.channel«c».client.pass |
Client password of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | String |
none |
netswitch.channel«c».layout.uri |
Layout URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | URI |
required |
netswitch.channel«c».name |
Name of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | String |
required |
netswitch.channel«c».switch.uri |
NetSwitch URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | URI |
required |
netswitch.channel«c».trace |
Trace messages of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | Boolean |
false |
The following properties control the behaviour of a NetServer Channel.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
netserver.channel«c».auto.login |
Auto-login the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | Boolean |
true |
netserver.channel«c».encrypt.all |
Encrypt the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | Boolean |
true |
netserver.channel«c».layout.uri |
Layout URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | URI |
required |
netserver.channel«c».name |
Name of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | String |
required |
netserver.channel«c».server.uri |
NetServer URI of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | URI |
required |
netserver.channel«c».trace |
Trace messages of the channel «c» (1 ≤ «c» ≤ 10) | Boolean |
false |
The following tables describe the Broadcast Commands.
Property | Description | Parameters | Results |
desktopfx.logout |
Logs out the current login session | none | Name and profile of current user |
desktopfx.logs |
Uploads the log files of the desktop | none | Contents of the log files |
desktopfx.offline.clear |
Removes all the offline database files | none | Names of removed files |
desktopfx.terminate |
Terminates the execution of the desktop | none | Name and profile of current user |
desktopfx.who |
Identifies the current login user | none | Name and profile of current user |
desktopfx.ws.level |
Changes the logging level of Web Service calls | Name of log level | Names of old and new level |
desktopfx.ws.logs |
Uploads the Web Service log files | none | Contents of the log files |