
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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Abort - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
ABORT (or unrecoverable) reply code ["].
AccessLevel - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Levels at which Desktop data items can be accessed.
ACK - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
ACK (or successful) reply code [#].
addDdeListener(DdeListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeTopic
Adds a listener to the list of listeners of this DDE Topic.
addEventHandler(EventType<T>, EventHandler<? super T>) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Registers an event handler to this DesktopTask.
addField(FieldType, String, int, int, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Appends a new field to the collection of fields of this layout.
addFunction(Function) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Adds a function to the list of functions of the compiler.
addListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Adds the supplied connecion listener to this channel.
addListener(MessageListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Adds the supplied message listener to this channel.
addPart(byte[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Adds a bytes part to the this mail sender.
addPart(byte[], String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Adds a bytes part with type to this mail sender.
addPart(byte[], String, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Adds a bytes part with type and name to this mail sender.
addPart(File) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Adds a file part to this mail sender.
addPart(File, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Adds a file part with type to this mail sender.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Adds a listener to the list of change listeners of this map.
addRecipients(String...) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Adds a list of recipient mail addresses to this mail sender.
ADMIN - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Administrator User Type (Administrador) [A].
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Alphanumeric layout field (A).
ANONYMOUS - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginType
Anonymous login.
ANY - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ModalEvent
Common supertype for all ModalEvent events.
ANY - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MulticastEvent
Common supertype for all MulticastEvent events.
ANY - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
Common supertype for all DesktopTask event types.
append(char) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Appends the specified character to this writer.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Appends the specified character sequence to this writer.
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this writer.
assignLayout(NetServerMessage) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
The message is assigned the layout identified by its LayoutName label.
assignLayout(NetServerMessage) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
The message is assigned the layout identified by its LayoutName label.
AsyncTaskStage<T> - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
Modal Stage used to execute an asynchronous task.
AsyncTaskStage(Object, boolean, Callable<T>) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.AsyncTaskStage
Creates the new AsyncTaskStage with supplied callable.
AsyncTaskStage(Object, boolean, Task<T>) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.AsyncTaskStage
Creates the new AsyncTaskStage with supplied task.
ATTACH_DETACH - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Indicates that the 'Attach/Detach' button was selected.


BANK - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Bank Office Type (Banco) [2].
Base64 - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Base64 encoders and decoders.
BootHost - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer boot host name [b].
bringToFront() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskPage
Brings the task page to front position.
bringToFront() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Brings this task window to the foreground.
Broadcast - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Broadcast message [3].
BROADCAST - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.MessageListener.MessageType
Broadcast Message.
BroadcastEnc - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Encrypted broadcast message [C].
BROKER - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Broker User Type (Corredor) [C].
BROKER_DEALER - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Broker Dealer Office Type (Agente Recolector) [10].
BROKERAGE_FIRM - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Brokerage Firm Office Type (Corredor de Bolsa) [8].
bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a byte array to a Hexadecimal string representation.
bytesToXml(byte[], URL) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlUtil
Converts a XML bytes to a XML document validating with a schema.


CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Indicates that the 'Cancel' button was selected.
changeLoginPassword(char[], char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Changes the password of the currently login user.
changeLogoutPassword(String, char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Changes the password of the specified user when logout.
changeMailAddress(char[], String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Changes the mail address of the currently login user.
changeName(String, char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopStation
Changes the name of the station if the password is correct.
charsToArray(CharSequence) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a character sequence to a character array or null.
charsToBytes(char[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a character sequence to an UTF-8 byte array or null.
checkFunctionArgs(List<Expression>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Function
Throws an exception if the number of args is less than the number of required function arguments (argc).
checkMailAddress(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.MailUtil
Returns true if the supplied string is a valid mail address.
checkPassword(char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns true if login password equals supplied password.
CHECKSUM - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Checksum pseudo layout field (CS).
Ciphered - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Encrypted data message [B].
CipherKey - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Change cipher key message [K].
cl.obcom.desktopfx.core - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
OBCOM DesktopFX Core Library.
cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Library.
cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr
Compiler and Expression Library.
cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
JavaFX Support Library.
cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
OBCOM DesktopFX Layout Library.
cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
NetServer Communication Library.
cl.obcom.desktopfx.util - package cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
General Utility Library.
clear() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Clears the state of this mail sender and releases internal resources.
clear() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Clears (removes) all layouts from the cache.
clear() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clone() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns a "deep" copy of this LayoutMessage.
clone() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns a "deep" copy of this NetServerMessage.
close() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Closes this NetServerClient, relinquishing any underlying resources.
close() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Closes this writer.
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Indicates that the 'Close' button was selected.
codeProperty() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginProfile
Returns the "Code" property.
codeProperty() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the "Code" property.
compare(Object, Object) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Compares two object values and returns -1, 0, or 1 if the left value is less than, equal to, or greater than the right value.
compile(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Compiles the supplied expression string.
compile(String, boolean) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Compiles the given specification into a layout.
Compiler - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr
Expression compiler.
Compiler(Desktop, Object) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Constructs a new Compiler instance.
complete(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Completes the definition of the collection of fields of this layout.
compressBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Compress the supplied bytes using the ZLIB algorithm.
compressedBytesToStr(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Uncompress supplied compressed UTF-8 bytes into a string.
CONFIRM - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Specifies a dialog of type 'Confirmation'.
Connect - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Server connect message [1].
ConnectionListener - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Called when the state of a channel connection has changed.
connectionStateChanged(NetServerChannel, boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.ConnectionListener
Called when the state of a channel connection has changed.
Convert - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Utility methods that perform general conversions.
copyFrom(LayoutMessage) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Copies all the properties of source into this LayoutMessage.
copyFrom(NetServerMessage) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Copies all the properties of source into this NetServerMessage.
copyLink(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeTopic
Copies a DDE data item link to the clipboard.
Count - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Total number of labels [75].
createChannel(String, URI, URI, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Creates a NetServerChannel indexed by name.
createClient(String, DesktopTask) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Creates a NetServerClient associatted with a DesktopTask.
createClient(String, String, DesktopTask) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Creates a NetServer client bound to specified desktop task.
createCompiler(Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns a new Desktop Compiler with default user logic.
createDdeTopic(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Creates and returns a new DDE Topic with the supplied name.
createField(FieldType, String, int, int, String, int, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Creates a new field without a layout.
createField(FieldType, String, int, int, String, int, int, Locale) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Creates a new field without a layout.
createMailSender() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Creates and returns a new mail message builder and sender.
createMailSender() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Creates and returns a new mail message builder and sender.
createNetServerClient(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns a new NetServerClient bound to this DesktopTask.
createTask(String, String, String, Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Creates a new DesktopTask with supplied plugin, main, title and argument.
createTask(String, String, String, Object, EventHandler<ModalEvent>) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Creates a new DesktopTask with supplied plugin, main, title, argument and handler.
createTopic(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeService
Creates and returns a new DDE Topic with supplied name.


Data - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Normal data message [ ].
DATE - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Date layout field (D).
dateToXcal(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a LocalDateTime to an XMLGregorianCalendar.
dateToXcal(Date) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a Date to an XMLGregorianCalendar.
DdeEvent - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde
Event dispatched when a DDE event occurs.
DdeEvent(DdeTopic, String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeEvent
Constructs a new DdeEvent instance.
DdeException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde
Signals that a DDE exception of some sort has occurred.
DdeException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeException
Constructs a new DdeException instance.
DdeException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeException
Constructs a new DdeException with a message.
DdeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeException
Constructs a new DdeException with a message and cause.
DdeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeException
Constructs a new DdeException with a cause.
DdeListener - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde
Listener interface for receiving DDE events.
DdeService - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde
Implements the application level defined by the DDE protocol.
DdeService(Object) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeService
Constructs a new DdeService instance.
DdeTopic - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde
Implements the topic level defined by the DDE protocol.
decode(char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 character sequence.
decodeBasic(char[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 Basic character array.
decodeBasic(char[], int, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 Basic character sequence.
decodeBasic(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 Basic string.
decodeUrlSafe(char[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 URL Safe character array.
decodeUrlSafe(char[], int, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 URL Safe character sequence.
decodeUrlSafe(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Decodes a byte array from supplied Base64 URL Safe string.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Use the action buttons of the dialog type.
DefaultHost - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer default host name [d].
deleteObject(AccessLevel, ObjectType, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Deletes an object with the specified access level, type and name.
deleteSettings(AccessLevel, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Deletes settings with the specified access level and name.
Desktop - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Main Desktop Interface.
DesktopConfig - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Configuration parameters of the Desktop.
DesktopException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Signals that a Desktop exception of some sort has occurred.
DesktopException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopException
Constructs a new DesktopException instance.
DesktopException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopException
Constructs a new DesktopException with a message.
DesktopException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopException
Constructs a new DesktopException with a message and cause.
DesktopException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopException
Constructs a new DesktopException with a cause.
DesktopLicense - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
License information of the Desktop.
DesktopStation - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Station where the Desktop is executing.
DesktopTask - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Component dynamically loaded by the Desktop.
DesktopTaskListener - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Listener interface for receiving DesktopTask assigment events.
DesktopUser - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Login user of the Desktop.
DEVELOPER - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Developer User Type (Desarrollador) [D].
Dialog - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
Implements the Desktop Message Dialog.
DialogAction - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
An enumeration of Dialog action buttons.
DialogOption - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
An enumeration of Dialog options.
DialogType - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
An enumeration of Dialog types.
download(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Downloads the specification of the Layout with the given name.


encode(byte[], int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Encodes supplied bytes into a string using Base64 encoding scheme.
encodeBasic(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Encodes supplied byte array to a Base64 Basic representation.
encodeBasic(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Encodes supplied byte sequence to a Base64 Basic representation.
encodeCredentials(String, char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns a string with the encoding of supplied credentials.
encodeCredentials(String, char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns a string with the encoding of supplied credentials.
encodeToBytes(byte[], int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Encodes supplied bytes into a byte array using Base64 encoding scheme.
encodeUrlSafe(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Encodes supplied byte array to a Base64 URL Safe representation.
encodeUrlSafe(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Base64
Encodes supplied byte sequence to a Base64 URL Safe representation.
Encoding - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Device message data encoding [X].
error(TransformerException) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorListener
Receive notification of a recoverable error.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorHandler
This corresponds to the definition of "error" in section 1.2 of the W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Specifies a dialog of type 'Error'.
ErrorName - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer error name [E].
evaluate() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Expression
Evaluates this Expression and returns a result.
evaluate(List<Expression>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Function
Evaluates this function using the supplied list of arguments.
execute(String, Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Executes a service with arguments and returns a result message.
execute(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Executes a service with arguments and returns a result message.
execute(String, Object, boolean, long) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Executes a service with arguments and returns a result message.
exists(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns true if the layout field indexed by the supplied name exists in this layout.
exists(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns true if the field indexed by fieldName exists in the Layout of this message.
ExpiredException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Exception thrown when the user's password has expired.
ExpiredException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExpiredException
Constructs a new ExpiredException instance.
ExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExpiredException
Constructs a new ExpiredException with a message.
ExpiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExpiredException
Constructs a new ExpiredException with a message and cause.
ExpiredException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExpiredException
Constructs a new ExpiredException with a cause.
Expression - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr
Represents a compiled expression.
ExpressionException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr
Signals that an Expression exception of some sort has occurred.
ExpressionException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.ExpressionException
Constructs a new ExpressionException instance.
ExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.ExpressionException
Constructs a new ExpressionException with a message.
ExpressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.ExpressionException
Constructs a new ExpressionException with a message and cause.
ExpressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.ExpressionException
Constructs a new ExpressionException with a cause.
ExtensionBase - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Class used to build DesktopFX Extensions.
ExtensionBase() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExtensionBase
Constructs a new ExtensionBase instance.


FatalAndHold - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Fatal error and hold server message [X].
fatalError(TransformerException) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorListener
Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorHandler
This corresponds to the definition of "fatal error" in section 1.2 of the W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation.
fields() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns an unmodifiable collection with the fields contained in this layout.
FieldType - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
Type of a LayoutField.
flush() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Flushes the stream.
FORCED - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.MessageListener.MessageType
Forced Message.
ForceMessage - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Prot
Force message for client [0].
ForceReboot - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Prot
Force reboot the client [3].
forID(int) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Returns the object type with the specified identification.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.LogFormatter
Returns a formatted string of the supplied log record.
fromAlias(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Returns the FieldType with the supplied alias.
fromName(String, TaskWindow.State) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow.State
Returns the state with specified name.
Function - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr
Function evaluator that can be used in an Expression.
Function(String, int) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Function
Constructs a new Function instance with given name.
FxmlPane - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
A StackPane capable of loading an FXML document.
FxmlPane() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlPane
Creates a new FxmlPane instance.
FxmlUtil - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
Provides utility methods for working with FXML documents.


gcalToXcal(GregorianCalendar) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a GregorianCalendar to an XMLGregorianCalendar.
get(Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the value to which the specified object key is mapped.
get(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the value to which the specified string key is mapped.
get(String, Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the object value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getAlias() - Method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Returns the alias of this FieldType.
getApplication() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the Application of the Desktop.
getApplication() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the Application of the Desktop.
getArgc() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Function
Returns the number of required arguments of this function.
getArgument(Class<T>) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the typed argument of this DesktopTask.
getAttachment() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the bytes of the attachment of this Server Multicast.
getAttachmentType() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the MIME type of the attachement of this Server Multicast.
getAutoAssignLayout() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if the assignLayout method is automatically applied to all reply or published messages received from the OBCOM NetServer.
getAutoAssignLayout() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns true if the assignLayout method is automatically applied to all reply or published messages received from the OBCOM NetServer.
getAutoLogin() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if login is performed after connecting to OBCOM NetServer.
getAutoLogin() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns true if login is performed after connecting to OBCOM NetServer.
getAutoLoginParameters() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the encoded parameters required for auto-login.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the decimal value of a mapping or ZERO if not defined.
getBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the decimal value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getBillingCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the billing code of this user.
getBillingType() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the billing type of this user.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the boolean value of a mapping or false if not defined.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns the boolean value of a parameter or defval if not found.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the boolean value of the key or defval if not defined.
getBuffer() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Returns the buffer holding the current contents of this writer.
getCapacities() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the capacities of this user.
getCapacity(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the capacity indexed by the supplied capacity code.
getChannel() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns the NetServerChannel of this NetServerClient.
getChannel(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Returns the NetServerChannel indexed by the given name.
getChannels() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Returns an unmodifiable collection with all NetServerChannel.
getChar(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the first character of the string value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getChar(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the first character of the string value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getChar(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the character value of the field identified by fieldName.
getChar(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the character value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getCity() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the city of this user.
getClassLoader() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlPane
Returns the class loader of this FxmlPane.
getClients() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns a collection with all clients of this NetServerChannel.
getCode() - Method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.AccessLevel
Returns the unique code of the access level.
getCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the identification of this user.
getCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginProfile
Returns the value of the "Code" property.
getCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the value of the "Code" property.
getCodebase() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the codebase of the Desktop.
getCodeBase() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the codebase of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getCommune() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the commune of this user (comuna).
getCompany() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopLicense
Returns company of the license.
getCompanyRut() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the Chilean RUT of the company of this user.
getCompiler() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the expression compiler of the Desktop.
getConfig() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the configuration parameters of the Desktop.
getConfig() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the configuration parameters of the Desktop.
getContractAnnex() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the contract annex of this user.
getContractCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the contract code of this user.
getCountry() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the country of this user.
getCreator() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the DesktopTask that created this DesktopTask.
getData() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the text data of this NetServerMessage with trailing spaces removed (right trimmed).
getData(Class<T>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MulticastEvent
Returns the data of the multicast event cast to the specified type.
getDataAll() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the text data of this NetServerMessage with trailing spaces preserved (not removed).
getDataBytes() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the binary data of this NetServerMessage.
getDate(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the date value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getDate(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the date value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getDate(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the date value of the field identified by fieldName.
getDate(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the date value of a mapping or null if not defined.
getDate(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the date value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getDate(String, Date) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the date value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getDdeTopic() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the DDE Topic of this DesktopTask.
getDefault() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the default value of this field.
getDefaultLogic() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Returns an object with the default user-supplied logic.
getDefaultOption() - Method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Returns the default DialogOption of this DialogType.
getDefaultSignANSI() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns true if, by default, numeric fields are stored using the ANSI format.
getDefaultTitle() - Method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Returns the default title of this DialogType.
getDefinedDefault() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the defined default value of this field.
getDescription() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns the description of this NetServerClient.
getDocument() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlUtil
Create a new instance of a DOM Document object usied to build a DOM trees.
getDouble(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the double value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getDouble(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the double value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getDouble(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the double value of the field identified by fieldName.
getDouble(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the double value of a mapping or 0 if not defined.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the double value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getDouble(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the double value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getEmployeeCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the identification of the employee of this user.
getEncryptAll() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if all messages are sent encrypted to OBCOM NetServer.
getEncryptAll() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns true if all messages are sent encrypted to OBCOM NetServer.
getExpiration() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopLicense
Returns expiration date of the license.
getFatherName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the father's name of this user (apellido paterno).
getFax() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the fax number of this user.
getField(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns the layout field indexed by the supplied name.
getField(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the field identified by fieldName.
getFirstName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the first name of this user (nombre de pila).
getFormattedLength() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the length of the formatted values of this field.
getFormCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the form code of this NetServerMessage.
getFullName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the full name of this user (nombre paterno materno).
getGroupCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the identification of the group of this user.
getHeight() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskPage
Returns the height of this task page.
getHeight() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the height of this task window.
getHomeDirectory() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the home directory of the Desktop.
getId() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginService
Returns the unique identification of the service.
getID() - Method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Returns the identification of the object type.
getID() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the identification of this Server Multicast.
getImage(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the image indexed by name or null if not found.
getImage(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ImageCache
Returns the image indexed by supplied name or null if not found.
getImageCache() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the ImageCache of the Desktop.
getInstance() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadSHA160
Returns a SHA-1 MessageDigest instance local to current Thread.
getInstance() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadSHA256
Returns a SHA-256 MessageDigest instance local to current Thread.
getInt(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the integer value of a mapping or 0 if not defined.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the integer value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getInteger(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the integer value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getInteger(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the integer value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getInteger(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the integer value of the field identified by fieldName.
getInteger(String, int) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns the integer value of a parameter or defval if not found.
getInteger(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the integer value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getItemData() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeEvent
Returns the data of the item of the event.
getItemName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeEvent
Returns the name of the item the event.
getJobTitle() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the job title of this user.
getLabel(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the string value of the label identified by key.
getLayout() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the layout of this field or null if undefined.
getLayout() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the current layout of this message.
getLayout(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Returns the Layout with the specified name.
getLayout(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the Layout with the specified name.
getLayout(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns the Layout with the specified name.
getLayoutURI() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the URI used to download the required messages layouts.
getLeafName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the name of the tree leaf of this DesktopTask.
getLength() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns the sum of the sizes of all the fields of this layout.
getLength() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the length of each occurrence of this field.
getLicense() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the license of the Desktop.
getLicense() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the license of the Desktop.
getLocale() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns the locale of this layout.
getLocale() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the locale of this field.
getLogChannelErrors() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if NetServerChannel errors are logged.
getLoginServices() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns an unmodifiable map with all defined login services.
getLoginSettings() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the login settings for the user.
getLoginState() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the state of the login.
getLoginType() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the login type of this user.
getLong(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the long value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getLong(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the long value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getLong(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the long value of the field identified by fieldName.
getLong(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the long value of a mapping or 0 if not defined.
getLong(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the long value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns the long value of a parameter or defval if not found.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the long value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getMailAddress() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the mail address of this user.
getMain() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginService
Returns the main class of the service.
getMainName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the main name of this DesktopTask.
getManager() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the NetServerManager of this NetServerChannel.
getMenuName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the name of the menu of the profile.
getMenuXml() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the XML with the profile menu definition.
getMessage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopLicense
Returns message of the license.
getMessage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the message of this Server Multicast.
getMotherName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the mother's name of this user (apellido materno).
getMulticastMessages() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the number of multicast messages this channel has read.
getMulticatName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the multicast name of this NetServerMessage.
getName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopStation
Returns the name of the station.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginProfile
Returns the value of the "Name" property.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MulticastEvent
Returns the name of the multicast event.
getName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the name of this Server Multicast.
getName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskPage
Returns the name of this task page.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the value of the "Name" property.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeService
Returns the name of this DDE Service.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeTopic
Returns the name of this DDE Topic.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Function
Returns the name of this function.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns the name of this layout.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the name of this field.
getName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the name of this NetServerChannel.
getNetServerManager() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the Desktop NetServerManager.
getNetServerManager() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the Desktop NetServer Manager.
getNetServerURI() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the protocol, host and port of the OBCOM NetServer.
getNumber(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the decimal value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getNumber(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the decimal value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getNumber(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName.
getNumber(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getObject(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns the object value of a parameter or null if not found.
getOccurs() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the number of occurrences of this field.
getOccurs(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the number of occurrences of the field identified by fieldName.
getOfficeCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the identification of the office of this user.
getOfficeType() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the type of the office of this user.
getOffset(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the offset position of the index occurence of this field in a message or it's parent list.
getOpCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the operation code of this NetServerMessage.
getOsType() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns the platform Operating System Type.
getPage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the task page of this task window.
getPageX() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the horizontal location of this task window on the page.
getPageY() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the vertical location of this task window on the page.
getParent() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the list field that contains this field.
getPhone1() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the primary phone number of this user.
getPhone2() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the second phone number of this user.
getPlugin() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginService
Returns the plugin name of the service.
getPluginClass() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the class of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getPluginDirectory() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the directory of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getPluginName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the name of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getPluginNode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the node of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getPluginVersion() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the version of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getPrimaryContentPane() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the content pane of the primary Stage.
getPrimaryRootPane() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the root pane of the primary Stage.
getPrimaryStage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the primary Stage of the Desktop.
getPrimaryStage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the primary Stage of the Desktop.
getProfileCode() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the identification of the profile of this user.
getProfileName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the name of the profile of this user.
getProfileRealm() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the realm of the profile of this user (familia).
getProfileType() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the type of the profile of this user.
getProtCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the protection code of this NetServerMessage.
getQuotientScale() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Returns the scale of quotients.
getReaderBytes() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the number of bytes this channel has read.
getReaderMessages() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the number of messages this channel has read.
getRegion() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the region or state of this user.
getReplyCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the reply code of this NetServerMessage.
getResult(Class<T>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ModalEvent
Returns the result object cast to the specified type.
getRut() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the Chilean RUT of this user.
getScale() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the numeric scale of this field.
getSecureCodebase() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the secure codebase of the Desktop.
getSecureCodeBase() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the secure codebase of the plugin of this DesktopTask.
getSequence() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the sequence of this NetServerMessage.
getSerial() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopStation
Returns the serial of the station.
getServerCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the server code of this NetServerMessage.
getServerEnvironName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the environment name of the Application Server.
getServerEnvironName() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the environment name of the Application Server.
getServerPageExtension() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the file extension of a page of the Application Server.
getServerPageExtension() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the file extension of a page of the Application Server.
getServerTime() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the time of the Application Server (milliseconds).
getServerTime() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the time of the Application Server (milliseconds).
getServerTimeZone() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the time zone of the Application Server.
getServerTimeZone() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the time zone of the Application Server.
getSessionID() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the session ID of this NetServerMessage.
getSettings() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the settings of this DesktopTask.
getSettings() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginService
Returns the settings of the service.
getSharedSettings() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the shared settings of the Desktop.
getShowTerminateDialog() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns true if this DesktopTask shows the terminate dialog.
getSignature() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns the signature (or checksum) of this layout.
getSSLContext() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns a new SSLContext with optional "Trust All Certs" option.
getStage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the Stage of this DesktopTask.
getStage() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the stage of this task window.
getState() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the state of this task window.
getStation() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the station of the Desktop.
getStation() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the station of the Desktop.
getStationName() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the name of the station of this channel.
getStationSerial() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the serial number of the station of this channel.
getStreet() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the street of this user.
getString(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the string value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getString(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the string value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getString(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns the string value of a parameter or null if not found.
getString(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the string value of the field identified by fieldName.
getString(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the string value of a mapping or null if not defined.
getString(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the string value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns the string value of a parameter or defval if not found.
getString(String, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Returns the string value of a mapping or defval if not defined.
getSubstring(int, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns a substring that begins at start index and extends to index end-1.
getSubstring(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns a substring that begins at start index and extends to index end-1.
getSubstring(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns a substring of the index occurence of this field in message.
getSubstring(LayoutMessage, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns a substring of the index occurence of this field in message.
getTask() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
The DesktopTask on which this event occurred.
getTask() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns the DesktopTask of this NetServerClient.
getTaskState() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
The state object of the Task of this event.
getText() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the text of this message with trailing spaces preserved.
getText(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the text of this message.
getTextLen() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the length of the text of this message.
getTextTrim() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the text of this message with trailing spaces are removed.
getTimestamp() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns an OBCOM NetServer timestamp.
getTitle() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopLicense
Returns title of the license.
getTitle() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginService
Returns the title of the service.
getTitle() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the title of this task window.
getToolImage(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ImageCache
Returns the toolbar image indexed by specified name.
getTopic() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeEvent
Returns the DDE Topic of the event.
getTranCode() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the transaction code of this NetServerMessage.
getTransformer() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlUtil
Create a new Transformer object that performs a copy of the source to the result.
getTreeImage(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ImageCache
Returns the tree image indexed by specified name.
getType() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the value of the "Type" property.
getType() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the type of this field.
getType() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns the type of this NetServerMessage.
getUniqueID() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the unique identification of the Desktop.
getUniqueID() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the unique identification of the Desktop.
getUser() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the user of the Desktop.
getUser() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the user of the Desktop.
getUserRealm() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the realm of this user (familia).
getUserValidFrom() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the first date this user is valid.
getUserValidTo() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns the last date this user is valid.
getValidFrom() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the valid-from date/time this Server Multicast.
getValidTo() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Returns the valid-to date/time this Server Multicast.
getValue() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the value of the "Value" property.
getValue(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the object value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getValue(LayoutMessage, int, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns the object value of the index occurence of this field in message.
getValue(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the object value of the field identified by fieldName.
getValue(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the object value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
getVerifyLayoutSignatures() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Returns true if the signatures of downloaded layouts are verified.
getVerifyLayoutSignatures() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if the signatures of downloaded layouts are verified.
getVerifyLayoutSignatures() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns true if the signatures of downloaded layouts are verified.
getVersion() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the version string of the Desktop.
getVersion() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the version string of the Desktop.
getWebServiceLoggerLevel() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the logging level of web service invocations.
getWidth() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskPage
Returns the width of this task page.
getWidth() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the width of this task window.
getWindow() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the window of this DesktopTask.
getWindow32Image() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ImageCache
Returns the DesktopFX Window32 Image.
getWriterBytes() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the number of bytes this channel has written.
getWriterMessages() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns the number of messages this channel has written.
getX() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the horizontal location of this task window on the screen.
getY() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns the vertical location of this task window on the screen.
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.AccessLevel
Data items can be accessed by all users.
GsLocation - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Message group separator location [G].


handleMessage(NetServerChannel, NetServerMessage, MessageListener.MessageType) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.MessageListener
Called when a message is received from the server.
hasPrivilege(int) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Returns true if the user has a given privilege.
Hello - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Client initialization message [N].
hexToBytes(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Returns the byte array represented by supplied hexadecimal string.
hexToNibble(char) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Returns the nibble (4-bits) of the supplied hexadecimal char.
HostName - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer host name [H].
HostTransaction - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Host transaction message [9].


I18nBase - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Provides internationalization (i18n) services.
I18nBase(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.I18nBase
Constructs a new I18nBase instance.
ICONIFIED - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow.State
The TaskWindow is iconified.
ImageButton - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx
Button that displays a normal, rollover or selected image.
ImageButton(ImageCache, String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.ImageButton
Constructs a new ImageButton instance.
ImageCache - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Image cache of the Desktop.
ImageCache(Desktop, ExtensionBase) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ImageCache
Constructs a new ImageCache instance.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Specifies a dialog of type 'Information'.
initFields() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the value of each field of this message to its default value.
initFields(LayoutMessage) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the value of each field of this message to the value of its corresponding field in source.
initHttpSecurityHeaders(HttpRequest.Builder) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Initialize the HTTP Security Headers of an HttpRequest.Builder.
initHttpSecurityHeaders(HttpRequest.Builder) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Initialize the HTTP Security Headers of an HttpRequest.Builder.
initHttpSecurityHeaders(URLConnection) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Initialize the HTTP Security Headers of an URLConnection.
initHttpSecurityHeaders(URLConnection) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Initialize the HTTP Security Headers of an URLConnection.
initialValue() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadRandom
Returns the current thread's "initial value" for this thread-local variable.
initialValue() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadSHA160
Returns the current thread's "initial value" for this thread-local variable.
initialValue() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadSHA256
Returns the current thread's "initial value" for this thread-local variable.
initRestServiceRequest(ClientRequestContext) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Initialize the HTTP Security Headers of a ClientRequestContext.
initRestServiceRequest(ClientRequestContext) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Initialize the HTTP Security Headers of a ClientRequestContext.
initWebServicePort(Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Initialize a web service port.
initWebServicePort(Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Initialize a web service port.
initWebServicePort(Object, Service, URL) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Initialize a web service port using supplied service and codebase.
initWebServicePort(Object, Service, URL) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Initialize a web service port using supplied service and codebase.
initWebServicePort(Object, URL) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Initialize a web service port using supplied endpoint.
initWebServicePort(Object, URL) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Initialize a web service port using supplied endpoint.
INPUT - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Specifies a dialog of type 'Input'.
INSURANCE_COMPANY - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Insurance Company Office Type (Compañia de Seguros) [3].
isAlive() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if this NetServerChannel is alive.
isAlive() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns true if this NetServerClient is alive.
isComplete() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Returns true if this layout is complete.
isConnected() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if connected to the OBCOM NetServer.
isConnected() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Returns true if connected to the OBCOM NetServer.
isDataOnly() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns true if this NetServerMessage has data and no headers.
isDetached() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns true if this task window is detached.
isFullFace() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns true if this task window is in full-face mode.
isFullScreen() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Returns true if this task window is in full-screen mode.
isGroupingUsed() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns true if numbers are formatted using group separators.
isIIS() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns true if backend server is Microsoft IIS.
isLabelDefined(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns true if the label indexed by key is defined.
isLinux() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns true if the Operating System is Linux.
isLogin() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns true if logged in (not in anonymous state).
isMac() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns true if the Operating System is MacOS.
isNull(int, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns true if a substring is NULL.
isNull(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Returns true if the value of the index occurence of this field in message is NULL.
isNull(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns true if the value of the field identified by fieldName is NULL.
isNull(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns true if the value of the field identified by fieldName and index is NULL.
isSignANSI() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns true if numeric fields are stored using the ANSI format.
isTerminated() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns true if this DesktopTask has terminated.
isTracing() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Returns true if tracing inbound and outbound messages.
isTracing() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Returns true if tracing inbound and outbound messages.
isUnknown() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns true if the Operating System is Unknown.
isUnsecureEnabled() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopConfig
Returns true if unsecure SSL communication is enabled.
isWindows() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns true if the Operating System is Windows.


JobID - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer job identification [J].


KIOSK - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginType
Kiosk login.


Layout - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
Collection of fields whose values can be edited with a LayoutMessage.
Layout() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Creates a new Layout instance for the default JVM locale.
Layout(Locale) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Creates a new Layout instance for the given locale.
LayoutChecksum - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Message layout checksum [K].
LayoutField - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
Data item whose value can be edited with a LayoutMessage.
LayoutLoader - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
Collection of reusable Layout instances.
LayoutLoader(Desktop, URI) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Creates a new LayoutLoader instance.
LayoutMessage - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
Text message formatted according to a Layout specification.
LayoutMessage() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Constructs a new LayoutMessage instance.
LayoutMessage(Layout) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Constructs a new LayoutMessage instance with layout.
LayoutMessage(String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Constructs a new LayoutMessage instance with text.
LayoutMessage(String, Layout) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Constructs a new LayoutMessage instance with arguments.
LayoutName - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Message layout name [F].
layouts() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Returns an unmodifiable collection with the layouts contained in this LayoutLoader.
LayoutSignature - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Message layout signature [M].
leftFill(char, String, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Returns the supplied text filled to its left to complete size.
LINUX - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Linux Operating System.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
List layout field (LB).
LISTEND - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
End-of-list pseudo layout field (LE).
listObjectNames(AccessLevel, ObjectType, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns a list of names of objects with access level, type and prefix.
listSettings(AccessLevel, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Returns the names of the settings saved at specified access level filtered by supplied name prefix.
load(Object) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlUtil
Loads a FXML document using supplied controller.
load(Object, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlUtil
Loads an FXML document using specified controller and file.
load(Object, URL) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlUtil
Loads an FXML document using specified controller and URL.
loadFxml() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlPane
Loads the FXML document of this FxmlPane.
loadFxml(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlPane
Loads the specified FXML document on this FxmlPane.
loadFxml(URL) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlPane
Loads the specified FXML document on this FxmlPane.
LocalHost - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer local host name [l].
lockDesktop() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Locks the Desktop windows and waits for the user to supply a password.
logChannelProperties() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Called once to generate log message with the properties of this channel.
LogFormatter - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Prints a LogRecord using the Desktop standard format.
LogFormatter() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.LogFormatter
login(String, char[], int) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Login using supplied user, password and profile information.
LOGIN - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Login Properties (1).
loginCheck(String, char[], int) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns the user with supplied credentials and profile.
LoginProfile - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Login profile of the Desktop.
LoginProfile(int, String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginProfile
Constructs a new LoginProfile instance.
loginProfiles(String, char[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Returns an unmodifiable list with all profiles of specified user.
LoginService - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Login service of the Desktop.
LoginType - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
The login type of DesktopFX.
logout(Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Logout the current user saving the supplied login state.
LOGOUT - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginType
Not login.


MAC - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
MacOS Operating System.
MailSender - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Builds a multi-part mail message and sends it to one or more recipients.
MailUtil - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Utility methods that perform general mail operations.
matchUser(DesktopUser) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserFilter
Determines if a DesktopUser matches the filter criteria.
MAXIMIZED - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow.State
The TaskWindow is maximized.
MaxKey - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Maximum label key value [z].
MENU - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Menu XML (4).
Message - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Prot
Message for client [4].
MessageListener - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Called when a message is received from the server.
MessageListener.MessageType - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
The type of the message received from the server.
MinKey - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Minimum label key value [0].
ModalEvent - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
The root event class for all Modal events.
ModalEvent(Object) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ModalEvent
Creates a new ModalEvent with an event type of TERMINATED.
msecToLocalDateTime(long) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts UTC milliseconds to a LocalDateTime.
msecToXcal(long) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts UTC milliseconds to an XMLGregorianCalendar.
Multicast - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Multicast message [U].
MulticastChat - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast chat group name [7].
MulticastClass - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast class name [1].
MulticastClient - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast client name [5].
MulticastEnc - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Multicast message with encryption [Z].
MulticastEvent - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
The root event class for all Multicast events.
MulticastEvent(String, Object) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MulticastEvent
Creates a new MulticastEvent with an event type of PUBLISHED.
MulticastGroup - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast group name [2].
MulticastPriority - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast priority [4].
MulticastQueue - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast queue name [3].
MulticastUser - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Multicast user name [6].
MUTUAL_FUND - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Mutual Fund Office Type (Fondo Mutuo) [1].


NAK - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
NAK (or unsuccessful) reply code [$].
nameProperty() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopStation
The the name of the station.
nameProperty() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginProfile
Returns the "Name" property.
nameProperty() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the "Name" property.
NetServerChannel - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Bidirectional TCP/IP communication channel with an OBCOM NetServer.
NetServerClient - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Subchannel of a NetServerChannel communication channel.
NetServerException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Signals that a NetServer exception of some sort has occurred.
NetServerException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerException
Constructs a new NetServerException instance.
NetServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerException
Constructs a new NetServerException with a message.
NetServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerException
Constructs a new NetServerException with a message and cause.
NetServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerException
Constructs a new NetServerException with a cause.
NetServerManager - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Manages a collection of NetServerChannels.
NetServerManager(Object, Object) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Constructs a new NetServerManager instance.
NetServerMessage - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Unit of communication between the endpoints of a NetServerChannel.
NetServerMessage() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Creates a new NetServerMessage instance with zero length data.
NetServerMessage(String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Creates a new NetServerMessage with the supplied data.
NetServerMessage.Label - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Defines the possible labels of a NetServerMessage.
NetServerMessage.Oper - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Defines the operation codes of a NetServerMessage.
NetServerMessage.Prot - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Defines the protection codes of a NetServerMessage.
NetServerMessage.Reply - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Defines the reply codes of a NetServerMessage.
NetServerMessage.Type - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver
Defines the possible types of a NetServerMessage.
newMailVerificationCode() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.MailUtil
Returns a string with a new random mail verification code.
nextBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadRandom
Generates a user-specified number of random bytes.
nextInt() - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.ThreadRandom
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed integer value.
NO - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Indicates that the 'No' button was selected.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginType
Normal login.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow.State
The TaskWindow is normalized.
normalizeName(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Converts supplied name to upper case and replaces "-" by "_".
notifyChange() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeTopic
Notifies that one or more data items have changed.
NUMERIC - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Unsigned number layout field (N).


objectFromBytes(byte[], Class<T>) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts the supplied byte array to an object of specified type.
objectToBytes(Serializable) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Returns a byte array with the serialization of the supplied object.
ObjectType - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Types of objects that can be stored in the Desktop database.
OK - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Indicates that the 'OK' button was selected.
OK_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Use 'OK' and 'Cancel' action buttons.
OK_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Use 'OK' action button.
onDesktopTaskAssigned(DesktopTask) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTaskListener
Invoked when a DesktopTask was assigned to a plugin component.
OneWay - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
One-way message [Y].
OneWayEnc - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Encrypted one-way message [W].
onFormatError(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.I18nBase
Called when an error occurs formating an i18n message.
onResourceNotFound(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.I18nBase
Called when a resource indexed by supplied key was not found.
onSearchError(Throwable, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.I18nBase
Called when an error occurs searching for a resource with key.
onTaskWindowChanged(TaskWindow) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindowChangeListener
Invoked when the TaskWindow of a DesktopTask changes.
OpenCiphered - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Open encrypted data message [b].
OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.MessageListener.MessageType
Operator Message.
OPERATOR - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Operator User Type (Operador) [O].
OperatorReply - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Operator reply message [9].
OsType - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Operating System Types and related utility methods.


PAGE - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Page Setup (2).
PENSION_FUND - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Pension Fund Office Type (AFP) [4].
Poll - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Poll data message [E].
PollAck - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Type
Poll ACK data message [A].
ProcessID - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer process identification [P].
ProcessName - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer process name [p].
PROFILE - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.AccessLevel
Data items can be accessed by a particular user and profile.
publish(String, Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Sends a message to all that have subscribed to the named multicast.
PUBLISHED - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MulticastEvent
This event occurs when a multicast message is published.
put(String, Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
putAll(Properties) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Copies all of the mappings of properties to this map.
putDefaults(Settings) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Adds the mappings of settings not contained in this map.
putDefaults(Properties) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Adds the mappings of properties not contained in this map.
putLayout(Layout) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Adds a layout to the collection of layouts of this LayoutLoader.
putMap(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Copies all of the mappings of supplied map to this map.


queryData(DdeEvent) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeListener
Invoked when the data of a DDE item is required.
Quit - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Stop server message [5].


readObject(AccessLevel, ObjectType, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Reads an object with the specified access level, type and name.
readSettings(AccessLevel, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Reads settings with the specified access level and name.
Reboot - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Prot
Reboot the client [$].
RebootGranted - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Prot
Reboot permission granted [5].
Reinit - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Reinit server message [R].
release() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeTopic
Release all resource of this DDE Topic.
release() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Closes this NetServerChannel, relinquishing any underlying resources.
release() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Closes this NetServerManager, relinquishing any underlying resources.
RELEASE_RESOURCES - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
This event occurs when internal resources of a DesktopTask must be released.
ReleaseHold - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Release server hold message [7].
remove(Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Removes the mapping for the specified key from this map if present.
removeDdeListener(DdeListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeTopic
Removes a listener from the list of listeners of this DDE Topic.
removeEventHandler(EventType<T>, EventHandler<? super T>) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Unregisters an event handler from this DesktopTask.
removeFunction(Function) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Removes a function from the list of functions of the compiler.
removeLabel(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Removes the label identified by key from this NetServerMessage.
removeLabels() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Removes all the labels defined in this NetServerMessage.
removeListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Removes the supplied connecion listener from this channel.
removeListener(MessageListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Removes the supplied message listener from this channel.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Removes a listener from the list of change listeners of this map.
renameObject(AccessLevel, ObjectType, String, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Renames an object with the specified access level, type and name.
renameSettings(AccessLevel, String, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Renames settings with the specified access level and name.
Reply - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Reply message [2].
ReplyAndHold - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Reply and hold the server message [6].
ReplyEnc - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Encrypted reply message [B].
rightFill(String, char, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Returns the supplied text filled to its right to complete size.
RUT - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
RUT layout field (R).


searchUser(UserFilter, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Displays a dialog to seach for a user that matches a search criteria.
searchUser(Window, UserFilter, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Displays a dialog to seach for a user that matches a search criteria.
SecurityHost - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer security host name [s].
send() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Builds the mail message and sends it to the specified recipients.
sendFiles(Path, String, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Sends all the files in given directory whose names match a glob pattern.
sendMail(String, String, String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Sends the mail message to one or more recipients.
sendResponse(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Sends a partial or final response message with no attachment data.
sendResponse(String, String, byte[]) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ServerMulticast
Sends a partial or final response message with attachment data.
serialize() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns a serialized version of this NetServerMessage.
serialize(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns a serialized version of this NetServerMessage with optional type code.
serializeObject(Object) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Serialize the supplied object instance to a byte array.
serialProperty() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopStation
The serial of the station.
ServerMulticast - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Multicast message sent by the Desktop backend server.
ServerName - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer name [e].
SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Services XML (5).
SessionID - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Session ID message [8].
setAutoAssignLayout(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Changes whether the assignLayout method is automatically applied to all reply or published messages received from the OBCOM NetServer.
setAutoAssignLayout(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Changes whether the assignLayout method is automatically applied to all reply or published messages received from the OBCOM NetServer.
setChar(LayoutMessage, int, Character) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the character value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setChar(LayoutMessage, int, Character, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the character value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setChar(String, int, Character) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the character value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setChar(String, Character) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the character value of the field identified by fieldName.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.FxmlPane
Changes the class loader of this FxmlPane.
setData(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the text data of this NetServerMessage.
setDataBytes(byte[]) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the binary data of this NetServerMessage.
setDataOnly(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes whether this NetServerMessage has data and no headers.
setDate(LayoutMessage, int, Date) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the date value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setDate(LayoutMessage, int, Date, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the date value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setDate(String, int, Date) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the date value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the date value of the field identified by fieldName.
setDefault(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the value of the index occurence of this field in message to its default value.
setDefaultSignANSI(boolean) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Defines if, by default, numeric fields are stored using the ANSI format.
setDetached(boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the detached property of this task window.
setDouble(LayoutMessage, int, Double) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the double value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setDouble(LayoutMessage, int, Double, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the double value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setDouble(String, int, Double) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the double value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setDouble(String, Double) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the double value of the field identified by fieldName.
setFormCode(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the form code of this NetServerMessage.
setFullFace(boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the full-face mode property of this task window.
setFullScreen(boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the full-screen mode property of this task window.
setGroupingUsed(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes whether numbers are formatted using group separators.
setHeight(double) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the height of this task window.
setInteger(LayoutMessage, int, Integer) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the integer value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setInteger(LayoutMessage, int, Integer, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the integer value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setInteger(String, int, Integer) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the integer value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the integer value of the field identified by fieldName.
setItemData(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeEvent
Changes the data of the item of the event.
setLabel(int, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the string value of the label identified by key.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the layout of this message.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Changes the locale of this layout and all of it's fields.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the locale of this field.
setLogChannelErrors(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Changes whether NetServerChannel errors are logged..
setLong(LayoutMessage, int, Long) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the long value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setLong(LayoutMessage, int, Long, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the long value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setLong(String, int, Long) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the long value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setLong(String, Long) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the long value of the field identified by fieldName.
setMessage(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Sets the message body of this mail sender.
setName(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskPage
Changes the name of this task page.
setName(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Changes the name of this layout.
setNull(LayoutMessage, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the value of the index occurence of this field in message to NULL.
setNull(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the value of the field identified by fieldName to NULL.
setNull(String, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the value of the field identified by fieldName and index to NULL.
setNumber(LayoutMessage, int, BigDecimal) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the decimal value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setNumber(LayoutMessage, int, BigDecimal, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the decimal value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setNumber(String, int, BigDecimal) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setNumber(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the decimal value of the field identified by fieldName.
setOpCode(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the operation code of this NetServerMessage.
setPageX(double) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the horizontal location of this task window on the page.
setPageY(double) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the vertical location of this task window on the page.
setProtCode(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the protection code of this NetServerMessage.
setQuotientScale(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Changes the scale of quotients.
setReplyCode(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the reply code of this NetServerMessage.
setSequence(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the sequence of this NetServerMessage.
setServerCode(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the server code of this NetServerMessage.
setSessionID(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the session ID of this NetServerMessage.
setShowTerminateDialog(boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Changes the whether this DesktopTask shows the terminate dialog.
setSignANSI(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Defines whether numeric fields are stored in this message using the ANSI format.
setState(TaskWindow.State) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the state of this task window.
setStationName(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Changes the name of the station of this channel.
setStationSerial(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Changes the serial number of the station of this channel.
setString(LayoutMessage, int, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the string value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setString(LayoutMessage, int, String, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the string value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setString(String, int, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the string value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setString(String, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the string value of the field identified by fieldName.
setSubject(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.MailSender
Sets the message subject of this mail sender.
setSubstring(int, int, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Replaces a substring with the supplied value.
setSubstring(LayoutMessage, int, String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Replaces a substring of the index occurence of this field in message.
setSubstring(LayoutMessage, int, String, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Replaces a substring of the index occurence of this field in message.
setTaskState(Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
Changes the state of the Task of this event.
setText(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the text of this message.
Settings - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Implements a HashMap with additional functionality.
Settings() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Constructs an empty Settings instance with the default initial capacity and load factor.
Settings(int) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Constructs an empty Settings instance with the specified initial capacity and a default load factor.
Settings(int, float) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Settings
Constructs an empty Settings instance with the specified initial capacity and load factor.
SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Plugin Settings (3).
setTitle(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the title of this task window.
setTracing(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerManager
Enables or disables tracing of inbound and outbound messages.
setTranCode(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the transaction code of this NetServerMessage.
setType(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Changes the type of this NetServerMessage.
setValue(LayoutMessage, int, Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the object value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setValue(LayoutMessage, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutField
Changes the object value of the index occurence of this field in message.
setValue(String, int, Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the object value of the field identified by fieldName and index.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Changes the object value of the field identified by fieldName.
setVerifyLayoutSignatures(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutLoader
Changes whether the signatures of downloaded layouts are verified.
setVerifyLayoutSignatures(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerChannel
Changes whether the signatures of downloaded layouts are verified.
setVerifyLayoutSignatures(boolean) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Changes whether the signatures of downloaded layouts are verified.
setWebServiceLoggerLevel(Level) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Changes the logging level of web service invocations.
setWidth(double) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the width of this task window.
setX(double) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the horizontal location of this task window on the screen.
setY(double) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow
Changes the vertical location of this task window on the screen.
showAndWaitForTaskValue() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.AsyncTaskStage
Displays this modal stage and executes the asynchronous task.
showConfirm(Object, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays a confirmation dialog using owner and message.
showConfirm(Object, String, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays a confirmation dialog using owner, message and title.
showConfirm(Object, String, String, DialogOption) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays a confirmation dialog using owner, message, title and option.
showDocument(String) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Opens the specified URI in a new browser window or tab.
showError(Object, String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an error message dialog using owner, message, title and throwable.
showError(Object, String, Throwable) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an error message dialog using owner, message and throwable.
showError(Object, Throwable) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an error message dialog using owner and throwable.
showInput(Object, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an input dialog using owner and message.
showInput(Object, String, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an input dialog using owner, message and title.
showInput(Object, String, String, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an input dialog using owner, message and title.
showMessage(Object, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an information message dialog using owner and message.
showMessage(Object, String, String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an information message dialog using owner, message and title.
showMessage(Object, String, String, DialogType) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.Dialog
Displays an message dialog using owner, message, title and type.
Shutdown - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Prot
Shutdown the client [1].
Signature - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Message digital signature [f].
SIGNED - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Signed number layout field (S).
start() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeService
Starts the execution of the DDE Thread.
start(Desktop) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExtensionBase
Called after DesktopFX has completed the intialization process.
StationException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Exception thrown when the desktop station is unusable.
StationException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.StationException
Constructs a new StationException instance.
StationException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.StationException
Constructs a new StationException with a message.
StationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.StationException
Constructs a new StationException with a message and cause.
StationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.StationException
Constructs a new StationException with a cause.
stop() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ExtensionBase
Called before DesktopFX is about to stop.
stop() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.dde.DdeService
Stops the execution of the DDE Thread.
stringToXml(String, InputStream) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlUtil
Converts a XML string to a XML document validating with a schema.
strToChars(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a string to a character array or null.
strToCompressedBytes(String) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Compress the UTF-8 bytes of the supplied string.
subscribe(String, EventHandler<MulticastEvent>) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Subscribes this DesktopTask to the multicast with the specified name.
subscribe(String, EventHandler<MulticastEvent>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Subscribes to messages published with the specified name.


TASK_STATE_REQUEST - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
This event occurs when the state of the DesktopTask is required.
TASK_TERMINATED - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
This event occurs just after a DesktopTask is terminated.
TASK_TERMINATING - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
This event occurs just before a DesktopTask is terminated.
TaskEvent - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
The root event class for all DesktopTask events.
TaskEvent(DesktopTask, EventTarget, EventType<? extends TaskEvent>) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
Construct a new TaskEvent with the specified event source, target and type.
TaskEvent(DesktopTask, EventType<? extends TaskEvent>) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskEvent
Construct a new TaskEvent with the specified event source and event type.
TaskPage - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Component that groups several TaskWindows.
TaskWindow - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Component that contains a DesktopTask.
TaskWindow.State - Enum Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Specifies the state of a TaskWindow.
TaskWindowChangeListener - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Listener interface for receiving TaskWindow change events.
terminate(boolean) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Terminates the execution of this DesktopTask.
terminate(boolean, Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Terminates the execution of this modal DesktopTask.
TERMINATED - Static variable in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ModalEvent
This event occurs just after a modal task has terminated with a result.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Text layout field (X).
ThreadRandom - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Provides a Random local to the current running Thread.
ThreadSHA160 - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Provides a SHA-1 MessageDigest local to the current running Thread.
ThreadSHA256 - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Provides a SHA-256 MessageDigest local to the current running Thread.
toBoolean(Object) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Converts an object value to a Boolean value.
toNumber(Object) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Converts an object value to a BigDecimal number.
toString() - Method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Returns the string representation of the object type.
toString() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.Layout
Creates and returns a string serialization of this layout.
toString() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns a string representation of this message.
toString() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Returns a string representation of this NetServerMessage.
toString() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Returns the current contents of the buffer as a string.
toString(Object) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.expr.Compiler
Converts an object value to a String value.
toXml() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the XML string representation of the data stored in this message.
toXml(boolean, String, boolean, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Returns the XML string representation of the data stored in this message.
tr(String, Object...) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.I18nBase
Translates and formats a message using supplied optional arguments.
TranClient - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Transaction client name [C].
TranName - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Transaction name [T].
TranOriginator - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Transaction originator station [o].
Transaction - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Transaction message [ ].
TransactionEnc - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Oper
Encrypted transaction message [E].
TranServer - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Transaction server name [S].
TranTimestamp - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
Transaction timestamp [t].
tryAutoLogin() - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Attempts auto-login the Desktop using configuration parameters.
typeProperty() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the "Type" property.


uncompressBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Uncompress the supplied bytes using the ZLIB algorithm.
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Undefined (0).
UniqueID - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer unique identification [U].
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Unknown Operating System.
unserialize(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Creates a new NetServerMessage by unserializing the supplied byte array.
unserialize(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage
Creates a new NetServerMessage by unserializing the supplied byte array.
unserializeObject(byte[]) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Unserialize the supplied byte array to an object instance.
unserializeObject(InputStream) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Unserialize the supplied input stream to an object instance.
unsubscribe(String, EventHandler<MulticastEvent>) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Unsubscribes this DesktopTask from the multicast with the specified name.
unsubscribe(String, EventHandler<MulticastEvent>) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerClient
Unsubscribes from messages published with the specified name.
USER - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.AccessLevel
Data items can be accessed by a user regardless of the profile.
User1 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code one [%].
User2 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code two [&].
User3 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code three ['].
User4 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code four [(].
User5 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code five [)].
User6 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code six [*].
User7 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code seven [+].
User8 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code eight [,].
User9 - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Reply
User-defined reply code nine [-].
UserCapacity - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
User capacity of the Desktop.
UserCapacity(String, String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Constructs a new UserCapacity instance.
UserFilter - Interface in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Filter used as search criteria for DesktopUser objects.
UStringWriter - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
A character stream that collects its output in an unsynchronized string builder, which can then be used to construct a string.
UStringWriter() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Create a new string writer using the default initial string builder size.
UStringWriter(int) - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Create a new string writer using the specified initial string builder size.


ValueFormatException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout
Thrown when a LayoutField is assigned or retrieves a string value with an invalid format.
ValueFormatException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.ValueFormatException
Constructs a new ValueFormatException instance.
ValueFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.ValueFormatException
Constructs a new ValueFormatException with a message.
ValueFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.ValueFormatException
Constructs a new ValueFormatException with a message and cause.
ValueFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.ValueFormatException
Constructs a new ValueFormatException with a cause.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.AccessLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.MessageListener.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueProperty() - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.UserCapacity
Returns the "Value" property.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.AccessLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.LoginType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.ObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.TaskWindow.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.MessageListener.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verifyLayout(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.LayoutMessage
Verifies that the name of the layout of this message matches the supplied name.
Version - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer library version [V].
VERSION - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.layout.FieldType
Version pseudo layout field (VR).


warning(TransformerException) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorListener
ErrorListener notification of a warning.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorHandler
SAX parsers will use this method to report conditions that are not errors or fatal errors as defined by the XML recommendation.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogType
Specifies a dialog of type 'Warning'.
WATCHER - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopUser
Watcher User Type (Pasivo) [P].
WebConnectException - Exception Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.core
Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect to a WebService at a remote address and port.
WebConnectException() - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.WebConnectException
Constructs a new WebConnectException instance.
WebConnectException(String) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.WebConnectException
Constructs a new WebConnectException with a message.
WebConnectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.WebConnectException
Constructs a new WebConnectException with a message and cause.
WebConnectException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.WebConnectException
Constructs a new WebConnectException with a cause.
Window - Static variable in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.netserver.NetServerMessage.Label
NetServer window [W].
WINDOWS - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.OsType
Windows Operating System.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Writes a portion of an array of characters.
write(int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Writes a single character.
write(String) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Writes a string.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.UStringWriter
Writes a portion of a string.
writeObject(AccessLevel, ObjectType, String, Object) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.Desktop
Writes an object with the specified access level, type and name.
writeSettings(AccessLevel, String, Settings) - Method in interface cl.obcom.desktopfx.core.DesktopTask
Writes settings with the specified access level and name.


xcalToDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts a XMLGregorianCalendar to a Date.
xcalToGcal(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts an XMLGregorianCalendar to a GregorianCalendar.
xcalToLocalDateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts an XMLGregorianCalendar to a LocalDateTime.
xcalToMsec(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.Convert
Converts an XMLGregorianCalendar to UTC milliseconds.
XmlErrorHandler - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
ErrorHandler that re-throws all exceptions it receives.
XmlErrorHandler() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorHandler
XmlErrorListener - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
ErrorListener that re-throws all exceptions it receives.
XmlErrorListener() - Constructor for class cl.obcom.desktopfx.util.XmlErrorListener
XmlUtil - Class in cl.obcom.desktopfx.util
Utility methods that perform general XML operations.


YES - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogAction
Indicates that the 'Yes' button was selected.
YES_NO - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Use 'Yes' and 'No' action buttons.
YES_NO_ATTACH - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Use 'Yes', 'No' and 'Attach/Detach' action buttons.
YES_NO_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class cl.obcom.desktopfx.jfx.DialogOption
Use 'Yes', 'No' and 'Cancel' action buttons.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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