Package cl.netswitch.lib.server

package cl.netswitch.lib.server
Classes and interfaces to build server applications that communicate with a NetSwitch server.
  • Class
    Implements the logic common to all delayed events.
    Service execution statistics.
    Executes an operation using a managed Java Secure Channel (JSCH).
    Services for executing network I/O with managed sockets.
    Services for sending e-mail messages.
    MulticastEvent is used to notify that a multicast message has arrived.
    Listener interface for receiving multicast messages.
    Pending reply that can be received and dispatched by any server channel.
    ReplyEvent is used to notify that a reply message has arrived.
    Listener interface for receiving reply messages.
    Signals that a reply timeout event has occurred.
    RequestErrorEvent is used to notify that a request error has occured.
    Listener interface for receiving request error events.
    RequestEvent is used to notify that a request message has arrived.
    Listener interface for receiving request messages.
    Communication channel between a server application and a NetSwitch server.
    Allows a ServerChannel to communicate with its container.
    Signals that a server error of some kind has occurred.
    Signals that a service request error of some kind has occurred.
    Executes network I/O using a managed socket conection.
    Services for executing network I/O with managed sockets.
    Executes an SQL statement using a managed database connection.
    Services for executing SQL statements and database procedures.
    TaskResultEvent is used to notify that a task has computed a result.
    Listener interface for receiving task result events.