Package cl.netswitch.lib.client

package cl.netswitch.lib.client
Classes and interfaces to build client applications that communicate with a NetSwitch server.
  • Class
    Executes logic using a managed logical channel.
    Implements the common logic of a client application.
    Executes the logic of a client action using a connected channel.
    Communication channel between a client application and the NetSwitch server.
    Signals that a client error of some kind has occurred.
    Logical channel of a multiplexed communication ClientChannel.
    Pool of reusable thread-safe logical channels.
    MulticastEvent is used to notify that a multicast message has arrived.
    Listener interface for receiving multicast messages.
    ReplyEvent is used to notify that a reply message has arrived.
    Listener interface for receiving reply messages.
    Allows a Rest or WebSocket Service to communicate with NetSwitch.